Sunday 10 February 2013

The Call

Its been so long with these turmulant & lonely months that I have stopped realising there existence now. Sometimes, I forget the zest of live I am always associated with - my dimpled laugh, my effervescent nature, my fun-filled outings, my BLOGs ....

A lost trust can rip apart any human being and the whole house comes crumbling. Nah, I am a very steady person and emotionally very strong ... I am a survivor and will come out of all this unruffled ... I trust myself ... but then I do need to feel the warmth of that little light I see at the end of the tunnel .....

And then came the CALL ... The sound of the name made me smile, giggle, laugh, just everything .... It was A, my darling college friend, who always came to my rescue when I needed the most. Its that special bond we share which blossoms with every little email we share once in several days or that chat session we have once in several weeks or the surprise calls once in several months. Yeah its a mature friendship without any hassels of explanations but boundless trust ...

We have always been there for each other with open arms and warm smile ..... Thanks A

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